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Mini Aerosol System for New Energy Vehicles

Mini Aerosol System for New Energy Vehicles

The Necessity of Aerosol System for New Energy Vehicles New energy vehicles are new products and trends in the automotive industry, which are the driving force behind the industry’s development. Many car manufacturing companies now plan to develop new energy vehicles using lithium batteries as power systems. Vehicles powered by lithium batteries are more energy-efficient, keskkonnasõbralik, and belong to

Principle and Application of Thermo-magnetic Generator

Principle and Application of Thermo-magnetic Generator

Thermo-magnetic Generator is a device that utilizes temperature differences and magnetic fields to generate electrical energy. Different people have different names for it. Some call it Thermal Activation Generator (TAD), while others call it Thermal Activation Device (TAD). Thermo-magnetic Generators are currently very popular. Let’s focus on analyzing its principle and application. The Composition of Thermo-magnetic Generator It is composed

Ülipeen kuivpulberkustutusseade kõrgendatud ladudes

Ülipeen kuivpulberkustutusseade kõrgendatud ladudes

PREFACE Ultrafine dry powder fire extinguishing device in elevated warehouses Three-dimensional high-value warehouse is now a major form of warehousing, Seda tüüpi lao eeliseks on see, et see katab väikese pinna ja sellel on suur hoiuruum. It is a form of logistics that realizes computer-controlled automatic access and is now widely used in the storage of

Isesüttimise termojuhtme detektori kirjeldus

Isesüttimise termojuhtme detektori kirjeldus

Thermal cord wire is a crucial starting component for both aerosol fire extinguishing systems and dry powder fire extinguishing systems. Many people are interested in learning more about this wire; seetõttu, let’s provide a brief introduction to it. Concept and Brief Description of Thermal Cord Wire Thermal cord, ka nimega “termotundlik traat” või “termiline süütejuhe”, is one of the

Aerosoolkustutid areneva tööstuse rakendustes

Aerosoolkustutid areneva tööstuse rakendustes

Today we are talking about emerging industry applications for aerosol fire extinguishers. Sellel kiiresti areneval ajastul, inimesed väärtustavad üha enam õiget tööstust. Uute tehnoloogiate, näiteks 3D-printimise, rakendamisega, robootika, blockchain, Uued energiasõidukid, healthcare, jne, tuleviku turuväljavaated on piiramatud. What are the potential emerging industries where aerosol generators can be used in

Kaks tulekustutussüsteemi energiamahutite jaoks

Kaks tulekustutussüsteemi energiamahutite jaoks

Worldwide, energia salvestamise valdkond areneb praegu kiiresti, ja energiasalvestite kasutamine on muutumas üha laiemaks. Vastavalt sellele, the fire extinguishing systems for energy storage containers is also a key research topic for various fire protection enterprises and a key concern for people. Nii kaugel, energiasalvestite mahutite jaoks puudub kindel tulekaitseplaan …

Mis on heptafluoropropaani tulekustutussüsteem

Mis on heptafluoropropaani tulekustutussüsteem

Kuigi tulekustutussüsteem NOVEC1230 on kiiresti arenenud, the most popular system currently is still the heptafluoropropane fire extinguishing system FM200. Miks see nii hea on? Kirjeldame seda allpool üksikasjalikult. LÜHISISSEJUHATUS Põhiomadused See on kaasaegne intelligentne automaatne tulekustutusseade, mis ühendab gaaskustutussüsteemi, automaatjuhtimine, ja tulekahju avastamine, The fire extinguishing agent HFC-227ea

aerosol suppression system for power exchange cabinets

Aerosoolide summutussüsteem elektrivahetuskappide jaoks

The Necessity of Using Aerosol Suppression System on Power Exchange Cabinets At present, electric bicycles and electric motorcycles are developing rapidly worldwide, Hiinas, neid on üle 600 miljonit elektrijalgratast. Elektrijalgrataste areng on toonud kaasa laadimis- ja vahetusvaldkonna arengu, Major cities are also continuously constructing charging cabinets and exchange cabinets. A national

Fire Safety Solutions for Urban Comprehensive Pipe Gallery

Fire Safety Solutions for Urban Comprehensive Pipe Gallery

Preface to Fire Safety Solutions Before we introduce the fire safety solutions, let’s take a look at the urban comprehensive pipe gallery first. The urban comprehensive pipe gallery sometimes called the “kommunaalteenuste tunnel“, originated 200 aastat tagasi Euroopa riikides nagu Prantsusmaa ja Ühendkuningriik, ja levis hiljem Aasia riikidesse nagu Jaapan ja Hiina. Comprehensive pipe

Raudteevedurile paigaldatud tulekustutus aerosool

Raudteevedurile paigaldatud tulekustutus aerosool

Raudteeveduritel on sadade aastate pikkune arengulugu ja aastatepikkune tehniline uuendus, täna räägime raudteevedurite tulekaitsest, Esiteks, peaksime rääkima raudteevedurite teadmistest. Raudteevedurite ja veeremi tundmine Raudteeveduril endal jõuseadet pole, whether it is a passenger locomotive or freight

Tulekaitse taastuvenergia vallas

Tulekaitse taastuvenergia vallas

vv b Wind Power Fire Protection Now, uus energia areneb kiiresti, fookuses on tulekaitse uue energia valdkonnas, kõikvõimalikud ettevõtted üle maailma on hakanud keskenduma taastuvenergiatoodete arendamisele, toodete hulka kuuluvad liitiumakud, liitiumioonakud, päikesepaneel, inverter, energiasalvesti konteiner, UPS-i võimsus, toiteallikas, portable

Dry Powder System Ultra-Fine Lühitutvustus

Dry Powder System Ultra-Fine Lühitutvustus

The Ultra-fine ABC dry chemical Extinguisher belongs to one of the four major fire extinguishing systems in the world. Hetkel, it is widely used in pipe galleries, paint rooms, and oil storage rooms. Eriti, it has a good effect on fire in narrow spaces or in places where flammable liquids are stored, Many people do not know how