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Solusi Fire Safety layak dalam Mendistribusikan Kabinet

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Solusi Fire Safety layak dalam Mendistribusikan Kabinet

Mungkin 15, 2018

The Summary

mendistribusikan lemari are generally used for power supply systems, including air-break switches, pemutus sirkuit, berbagai jenis switch isolasi, connecting terminals, peralatan pelindung, peralatan pengukuran, mutual inducts, and various sensors.

Continuous and stable power supply is crucial for every function of society, whether it is industrial, commercial, or residential affairs, which rely on continuous and stable power supply.

Risiko Kebakaran di Mendistribusikan Kabinet

Inside the distributing cabinet, there is a complex circuit system, setelah bekerja berjam-jam, once the electric circuit ages, Hubungan arus pendek, leaks, and risk of fire will increase correspondingly.

When a fire is caused by the equipment inside the distributing cabinet, the space of the distribution cabinet will block fire smoke from spreading outwards, detektor api konvensional biasanya langit-langit dipasang sehingga tidak dapat mendeteksi api dalam waktu, ini akan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang serius dan peralatan listrik yang rusak, deeply will make the workshop and factory not be able to produce products, kehidupan sehari-hari kita juga akan buruk dilakukan, jadi untuk mendistribusikan kabinet kita harus mengadopsi pengukuran deteksi asap sangat awal.

It is very hard to put out a fire that occurs in distribution cabinets, now most users like to install a gaseous fire safety solution to suppress fire in the room space of the protection zone, sebagai contoh: the FM200 fire suppression system. Namun, the gas fire suppression system is only can flood the fire in the whole room space where the distribution cabinet placed, when the distribution cabinet causes fire both the fire detection and fire extinguishing systems will not be able to work in time to suppress it.

Fire Detecting Tube System for Distributing Cabinet

Nowadays some users use fire-detecting tube systems to detect fire and extinguish fires in cabinets space, the steps are to install fire detecting tube near or on the top of the fire alarm where easy to catch fire in the distributing cabinet, dan pada saat yang sama, membuat tabung berliku di lemari, sekali terjadi kebakaran, tabung deteksi kebakaran akan dipanaskan dan ledakan, mendorong agen pemadam pemakaian langsung oleh tabung itu sendiri atau tidak langsung oleh nozel, ke daerah perlindungan zona proteksi kebakaran. So using fire fire-detecting tube is a good fire safety solution for the distribution cabinet.

But there is a better solution we suggest for distributing cabinet.


1. Api Desain Deteksi untuk Mendistribusikan Kabinet

Sesuai untuk proses pembangunan api, the Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus is short for “VESDA”, the VESDA can detect fire at its early stage, and so provides the best fire solution, providing users with reliable and valuable smoke detection. It can collect and analyze air samples in the protection zone continuously, and detect whether the fire smoke is there.
This VESDA system will minimize fire.

sistem deteksi asap yang sangat awal VESDA

2. Desain api Suppression untuk Mendistribusikan Kabinet

For fire extinguishing in the distribution cabinet, we also suggest a shape-condensed aerosol fire extinguishing device, we recommend small sizes ranging from 30 gram untuk 500 gram.

Our shape aerosol device is the ideal fire suppression solution for the cabinet space, normally its installation location is on the top of the fire flame.

One set or several sets of them with series connections, to install in every direction in the cabinet compartment.

When the VESDA detects a fire, it will make a fire alarm first, and the operator on duty can extinguish the fire manually, when the VESDA detects several fire alarms, will activate the accompanying aerosol api pemadam Generator secara otomatis dan cepat.

An Aerosol Generator can activated manually, in an emergency, tekan tombol pelepas darurat untuk memicu generator.

Why Recommend This Fire Safety Solution

Mengapa kita merekomendasikan sistem ini, ini karena:

  • Mudah untuk menginstal dan melakukan perawatan.
  • Berdiri sendiri power supply.
  • Menyimpan ruang dan ringan.
  • Have a feedback function.
  • Bersih pencegah kebakaran generator dengan potensi penipisan ozon nol-layer, and zero global warming potential.
  • Cost-effective.
  • jaringan non-perpipaan.
  • 304 silinder stainless steel.
  • Dapat terhubung dengan sistem alarm kebakaran terpencil.
  • Sertifikat dan Persetujuan untuk mendukung.

eps rooms up perangkat pemadam api

sistem aerosol minisol api menyadari solusi penindasan

Otomatis api pemadam penekanan sistem aerosol

A combined VESDA system with a mini Aerosol System will fulfill the functions of fire detection and suppression together, not only for very early fire detection but also can extinguish fire very rapidly, itu adalah sempurna SOLUSI FIRE SAFETY for a cabinet environment.


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